Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cute Cousins!

Grandma Karla wanted a current picture of her four grandbabies, so Michelle and Jenn snuck over to the Picture People to have these pictures taken.  It worked out nicely that Grandma was getting home from the hospital the next day, so it was a nice "Welcome Home!" present for her. 
We were having a hard time getting the kids to sit still and all look at the camera, but this one turned out pretty good so we had it framed for Grandma Karla!

The photographer wasn't that great with kids and we were trying everything to get Anna to stand with the big kids.  The kids found a piano that was used for props and started banging on it, so we thought it might work to keep Anna in one place.  And it did!

Tyler (6), Lucy (4), Joey (3), and Anna (1)

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