Monday, September 27, 2010

Something is Missing...

Tyler lost his first tooth! He had a loose tooth for about two weeks and this past Friday it was REALLY loose in his mouth. We asked him if we could pull it out before school, but he was a bit nervous and said if it came out he would just give it to his teacher. Ooh...lucky Mrs. Brawley. When we picked him up on Friday it was barely hanging on, so we decided to try and pull it out before we ate lunch at Olive Garden. Tyler successfully helped pull out his own tooth.
When Jenn was little she made a bag for the tooth fairy and Grandma Karla still had the bag. She still had teeth in it too...which was...interesting. We borrowed just the bag. Practically an antique. It was made in 1983. Tyler put his tooth in the bag and was visited by the tooth fairy.
Here's our big guy with a little something missing

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