Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Little League Night at the Rivercats

This year the Pirates had a pretty strong showing at the Rivercats Little League night.  About 7 of our boys were there to walk on the field and feel like a pro for a few minutes.  As a coach, it was pretty amazing to be down on the field, so I can understand the kids' awe.  I'm more humble, though.  These boys thought they were rock stars!
Kaden, Jacob, Brody, Lucas, Tyler, and James (Aiden is not pictured but he was there too!)

On the field and waving at their adoring fans

High Fiving a Rivercats Player

High Fiving Their "Fans"

Trying to capture our family fun
This was our first Rivercats game.  We sat on the grass and the kids enjoyed following Dinger and running around.  Hopefully we can go to a few more of these as the kids play more ball.  Maybe next time we can stay a little longer, though...

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