Sunday, July 26, 2009

Vacation Bible School

The week of July 20th to the 24th was our church's vacation bible school. They decided to do a preschool program this year so Tyler was able to participate. He was excited and I was excited to volunteer in his class with his teacher Ms. Jacqueline and her husband Mr. Tim. Lucy was able to go to the nursery and they gave them shirts and had a mini-VBS with Ms. Sherry and Ms. Katie. It was so much fun for the kids (albeit a bit tiring) and it was a wonderful (albeit a bit tiring) experience for me to take part in.

The theme of the VBS was Operation Space, so everything was about space and related to God. The kids made cool shirts with the Operation Space logo and lots and lots of fabric paint. They wore jet packs and cool glasses and played with friends. It was a great week!

On the last night of VBS the kids got to perform the songs that they had been practicing all week. Tyler is not a fan of singing, but some of the kids did a really great job. Lucy helped me lead the kids from down below and has been singing the songs all weekend. It was really cute and we actually got Zach to come watch!

The Kids Singing Jesus Loves Me...With Sign Language

1 comment:

Kara said...

Tyler does not want to sing at all. So cute!!